- PNAsTM miRNA inhibitors and negative control
Leukemia Lymphoma Transplant typing Solid tumor detection Pharmacogenomics Pathogen detection Cervical cancer products Research products PNAs™ miRNA inhibitors released by Panagene, utilize proprietary properties of PNA (Peptide Nucleic Acid). PNAs™ miRNA inhibitors have higher specificity and […]
- PNA oligomers for PCR clamping globin inhibitors
Leukemia Lymphoma Transplant typing Solid tumor detection Pharmacogenomics Pathogen detection Cervical cancer products Research products Over 70% mRNA in blood is globin mRNA, which significantly reduces gene analysis and sensitivity. To resolve this problem, use […]
- Centrometric FISH probes
Leukemia Lymphoma Transplant typing Solid tumor detection Pharmacogenomics Pathogen detection Cervical cancer products Research products Detect centrometric aberrations in the genome, such as trisomy, polysomy and centrometric breakage. Code Product Pack size F3003 Cent-Cy3 […]
- PNA telomere FISH probes
Leukemia Lymphoma Transplant typing Solid tumor detection Pharmacogenomics Pathogen detection Cervical cancer products Research products Peptide nucleic acids(PNA) are the new DNA mimics that are capable of recognizing and binding to DNA or RNA sequences […]
- PNA probe customization
Leukemia Lymphoma Transplant typing Solid tumor detection Pharmacogenomics Pathogen detection Cervical cancer products Research products PNA probe types Unlabeled PNA -N-terminus free amine -N-terminus acetylation Labeled PNA -N-terminus and C-terminus labeling -Dual labeling Modified PNA […]